Kidney stone disease is a condition that plagues millions of people each year. The cases are increasing each year among men and women of all age groups. The condition causes terrible pain in the lower back and may also result in haematuria (blood in urine). There are multiple risk factors such as family history, dietary habits, dehydration, obesity etc. Kidney stones vary in sizes. Small stones may pass naturally and may even go undiagnosed. Larger stones cause tremendous pain and may eventually pass naturally or they may be removed by surgery. Ayurveda and yoga also play an important role in treatment and prevention of urolithiasis.
Yoga originated in ancient India, consists of mental, spiritual and physical practices. Yoga asanas help stretch the body, manage pain and promote general well-being. Yoga has been used as a form of treatment for kidney stones since ages. It helps in enhancing kidney functions, increasing flow of oxygen and blood to the organs and increasing immunity. A few yoga asanas that will help manage kidney stones and related symptoms are discussed below:-
1. Ushtra Asana
It is also known by the name Camel Pose. This pose can help get rid of the symptoms and blood issues related to kidney stones. It helps to detox and provide oxygen to kidneys. Perform following steps:
- Go down on your knees apart at hip width distance.
- Place your hand behind and push your hips and thighs forward.
- Hold your heels with your hands.
- Maintain the pose for 15-20 seconds while breathing in and out.
- Return to the starting position. Repeat. P.S. Don’t do this pose if you have a back injury or surgeries.
2. Uttanpadasana
It is also known by the name Raised Legs. This pose helps to relax and strengthen muscles in legs, abdomen, pelvic area, and lower back. The contraction of the muscles helps in kidney and liver functions and provides relief from pain. Follow the steps mentioned:
- Lie down on your back with your arms by the side of the body.
- Rest palms on the floor and breathe steadily.
- Lift legs up till they are perpendicular to the floor.
- Make sure the legs are straight when raised.
- Hold the position for a few seconds.
- Return to the starting pose. Repeat.
3. Pawanmuktasana
This pose is also called the Wind Releasing Pose. In this pose, the body is stretched entirely from head to toe. It works on the kidney and lower back area effectively. It also boosts the digestive system’s functioning and prevents constipation and kidney stones. It can be performed as mentioned below:
- Lie down on your back.
- Inhale slowly and bring your legs towards your chest.
- Try to touch your knees with your head.
- Breathe and hold the pose.
- Release from the pose while exhaling. Repeat.
4. Bala Asana
It is also known by the name Child Pose. This stretch helps to reduce the pain and prevent it from becoming worse and intolerable. This pose also helps with digestive issues. Perform the asana by following these steps:
- Sit on the floor with your buttocks resting on your heels.
- Lift your hands straight above your head and keep breathing normally.
- Stretch your arms in front while lowering your torso.
- Hold the pose for 30 seconds.
- Return to the starting position. Repeat.
5. Ardha Matsyendrasana
It is also called Half Spinal Twist. It helps in increasing the blood flow to the liver and kidneys. This pose is also great for people suffering from obesity or urinary disorders. Follow the below mentioned steps:
- Sit on the floor, bend your left knee and place your left heel under your right hip.
- Place the right leg on the top of the left knee.
- Place the left hand on the right knee and the right hand behind the back.
- Look over the right shoulder while keeping your back erect.
- Breathe normally. Hold the pose for a few seconds then release slowly.
- Make sure you do not sit on your heels. Repeat.
6. Garudasana
It is also known by the name Eagle Pose. It is a great pose for improving blood flow to the kidneys and increase overall functioning. This pose also helps to improve balance and increase lower body muscle strength. Follow the steps mentioned below:
- Stand straight. Lift right leg and cross it over left thigh.
- Balance the body on the left leg.
- Raise elbows and criss-cross right elbow over the left, bringing palms close together.
- Breathe and hold the pose for 20 seconds. Repeat.
- Lie down in corpse pose in the end.
7. Dhanurasana
It is also called the Bow Pose. It helps improve kidney functions and alleviate pain in the pelvic area. Issues related to indigestion and bowel can also be treated effectively. Follow the steps below:
- Lie down on your stomach; keep arms on your side and legs apart.
- Fold your knees up and try to hold both ankles with your hands.
- Lift your chest and thighs from the ground.
- Look straight and stretch like a bow for 20-30 seconds. Repeat.
8. Bhujangasana
This popular pose is known by the name Cobra Pose. It improves overall circulation of blood in the body. It stimulates and stretches the organs in the abdomen including kidneys. Follow steps given below:
- Lie down on your stomach and put your arms on the side, folded at the level of shoulders, with palms facing the floor.
- Breathe and lift the torso.
- Raise as much as possible till you feel the stretch.
- Hold the pose while breathing normally. Repeat.
9. Pranayama
This breathing exercise helps to relax the mind and the body. It enhances the stimulation of body organs and overall functioning. It is also great for other chronic diseases and conditions such as blood pressure. Follow these steps:
- Sit down on the floor with an erect and straight spine.
- Close your eyes and inhale-exhale deeply.
- Concentrate on the breathing. Do it for 10-15 minutes.